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7. September 2023, 09:00 - 12:30

07.09.2023 | 09:00 – 12:30 | European Parliament (Room JAN4Q1) and Livestream

This event is hosted by Greens/EFA MEPs Reinhard BütikoferAlviina Alametsä, Ernest Urtasun


The European Union has been confronted with a growing number of complex, overlapping, cross-border crises even before Russia started its full scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022. The Ukraine war has, of course, greatly aggravated the challenges, and has thus forced all of us to acknowledge that we need to deal with a new normal regarding European security. The half-day conference with two high-ranking panels organized by the Greens/EFA parliamentary group deals with this “New Normal of European Security”.

The panel “Rethinking European Security” will address various dimensions of security (including energy and climate security, industrial resilience, human security). The panel “Shaping a multilateral world – with whom?” will look at the question of who the EU should partner with to build more security in international relations.


08.00-09.00: Registration and Welcome coffee/tea

09.00-09.15: Introductory remarks by Reinhard Bütikofer MEP

09.15-10.30: Panel I: Rethinking European security: Looking at different dimensions of security

(Looking at military security, climate security, energy security, industrial resilience, and human security)


  • Prof. Dr. Sven Biscop, Ghent University, Egmont Institute, Brussels
  • Cathryn Clüver Ashbrook, Bertelsmann Foundation, Germany
  • Leonore Gewessler, Austrian Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment,
    Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
  • Prof. Dr. Guntram Wolff, German Council on Foreign Relations, Université Libre de Bruxelles

Moderator: Dana Heide, Correspondent, Handelsblatt

10.30-11.00: Keynote speech “The new security realities in Europe and how to cope with the challenges”

  • Pekka Haavisto, Foreign Minister of Finland 2019 to 2023

11.00-11.30: Short break

11.30-12.45: Panel II: Shaping a multilateral world – with whom?

(Looking at different dimensions and would-be partners in the EU´s international relationships)


  • H.E. Amb. Martin Kimani, Kenya’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations
  • Garima Mohan PhD, German Marshall Fund, Global Public Policy Institute
  • Pierre Vimont, Ambassadeur de France, Carnegie Europe
  • Ambassador Romana Vlahutin, German Marshall Fund

Moderator: Andrew Gray, Senior Correspondent, Reuters

12.45-13.00: Closing remarks by Ernest Urtasun MEP


7. September 2023
09:00 - 12:30