Dear Vice-President Mourão, Dear representatives of the Brazilian National Council for the Legal Amazon, We write to you as members of the European Parliament, in a spirit of friendship with… Weiterlesen »
Parliamentary Session | Elimination of customs duties on certain products | EU-US lobster mini-deal
In this weeks parliamentary session the EU-US lobster mini-deal was also part of the agenda. Watch my contribution on this matter here: (Due to the current Corona regulations, the speech… Weiterlesen »
INVITATION I Con-nec-ti-vi-ty: What is that? – Discussing an important EU strategy
A Con-nec-ti-vi-ty Strategy? What’s that? Doesn’t that sound a bit bureaucratic? Maybe, but behind an unpopular term hides a very exciting topic. Connectivity is, to put it simply, about how… Weiterlesen »
Plenarwoche in Brüssel: Meine Rede zu den Abraham Abkommen | Plenary Session: Speech on implications of the Abraham Accords
In der aktuellen Parlamentssitzung konnte ich zum Tagesordnungspunkt “The geopolitical implications of the Abraham Accords in the Middle East region” eine Rede halten: (aufgrund der aktuellen Corona-Regelungen wurde die Rede… Weiterlesen »
Plenarwoche in Brüssel: Mein “Point of Order” zu Hongkong | Plenary Session: Point of Order on Hongkong
Zu Beginn der aktuellen Sitzungswoche des Europäischen Parlaments habe ich in einem “Point of Order” auf den Ausschluss von 4 Abgeordneten des demokratischen Lagers aus dem Legislativrat in Hongkong hingewiesen… Weiterlesen »
INVITATION I An Agenda for Transatlantic Trade under Biden I 1 December I 18:00-19:15 p.m.
As president-elect Joe Biden organises his transition, discussions on either side of the Atlantic give renewed attention to the prospects of EU-US trade relations, what are the possibilities, what are… Weiterlesen »
Presentation | DRAFT REPORT on Connectivity and EU-Asia relations
I was pleased to present my draft report on Connectivity and EU-Asia relations this week in the Foreign Affairs Committee (AFET)
English Translation | Digitale Bundesdelegiertenkonferenz
For the first time, an opportunity for our non-German speaking friends is given to follow the Bundesdelegiertenkonferenz (party convention) with an english translation. Please find further information in the letter… Weiterlesen »
Con-nec-ti-vi-ty – What is that? | BÜTIS WOCHE (english version)
(Published in German on 29 October 2020 at 13:20.) This week I submitted the draft of my report for the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament on the European… Weiterlesen »
Joint Statement from the Co-Chairs of the European Parliament’s informal Hong Kong Watch Group I Press release
The Co-Chairs of the European Parliament’s informal Hong Kong Watch Group have issued a joint statement concerning the disqualification of four pro-democracy Hong Kong legislators: “As Co-Chairs of the European… Weiterlesen »
Taiwan participation in the WHA | Joint D-CN Bureau letter to WHO Director-General Tedros A. Ghebreyesus
Dear Director-General Tedros, As Bureau of the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with China, we wish to draw your attention to the fact that, after almost a year since the… Weiterlesen »
Engaging with China while preserving Europe’s values and interests | Online-Debate at Ifri & Konrad Adenauer Foundation videoconference
Ifri, the Austro-French Centre for Rapprochement in Europe and Konrad Adenauer Foundation Multilateral Dialogue organized a videoconference called “Trade, Investments, Technology, Climate Change, Human Rights: How should the EU Deal… Weiterlesen »