Since the EU-China Summit in 2019, expectations had been swirling around that the China-EU Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) could/should/would be finalized before the end of this year. At the… Weiterlesen »

Since the EU-China Summit in 2019, expectations had been swirling around that the China-EU Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) could/should/would be finalized before the end of this year. At the… Weiterlesen »
Dear Madam, dear Sir, We would be delighted to welcome you at this joint event. Please confirm your participation by sending an email to (see registration details below). Best… Weiterlesen »
Reinhard Bütikofer wird am 28. november auf dem Europe-China Forum, organisiert von Friends of Europe, zum Thema “Cooperation, competition and the search for common ground” sprechen. Im Rahmen dieses achten… Weiterlesen »
Reinhard Bütikofer wird am 26.11. am Hamburg Summit: China meets Europe teilnehmen. Er wird dabei nachmittags auf dem Panel zu “EU-China investment cooperation – from record flows to reciprocity?” sprechen…. Weiterlesen »