EPRS online policy roundtable
Is China’s economy in decline?
Long-term trends, vulnerabilities, reform agenda
Thursday 14 July 2022 | 13:30 -15:00 hours
What is this event about?
Following the publication of a recent in-depth-analysis on ‘Stresses and Contradictions in the Chinese economy in the early 2020s’ produced for the EPRS by Jacob Kirkegaard (PIIE and GMF), this roundtable will look into the main obstacles to China’s growth performance in the short-to medium-term. Under the current geopolitical and economic environment, China’s economy faces an array of challenges, including demographic decline, unsustainable investment growth, inequalities, the pandemic and the ecological transition. Reforms, which experts maintain are needed, have not been implemented for years, and their further postponement is a real possibility.
Against this backdrop, and based on the findings of the aforementioned publication, speakers will assess the relative impact of those challenges, outline the resistance factors that impede reform and draw conclusions about the implications of the ‘reform inertia’ for the power held by President Xi. The panel will also share insights regarding the domestic and international political implications of China’s economic course. It will particularly focus on the consequences for the EU and possible EU reactions. The debate will be preceded by a keynote speech by the Chair of the EP’s Delegation for Relations with the People’s Republic of China and by a presentation of the study by its author.
Reinhard BÜTIKOFER, MEP, Chair of the Delegation for relations with China; Member, EP Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET)
Jacob Funk KIRKEGAARD, Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics and German Marshall Fund of the United States
Alicia GARCIA HERRERO, Chief Economist for Asia Pacific at Natixis; Senior Fellow, Bruegel
YU Jie, Senior Research Fellow on China, Asia-Pacific Programme, Chatham House
Ulrich JOCHHEIM, Policy Analyst, External Policies Unit, EPRS
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