As G7 leaders meet in Schloss Elmau in Germany this weekend, we, the representatives of Green Parties from participating countries, call upon the global leaders to urgently address the climate challenge with more ambition than they have shown so far, especially in view of the upcoming Paris Climate Summit.
In particular, we express five demands that address various dimensions of the global political turnaround that is necessary if the international community wants to avoid catastrophic and unmanageable climate change:
- We want an unequivocal and binding pledge from G7 leaders to do everything necessary in order to limit global warming below +2° C maximum.
- We want G7 leaders to shoulder their fair share of the necessary 100 billion US dollars to be used for climate financing from 2020 on.
- We challenge G7 leaders to build on existing initiatives in order to create an international carbon pricing system that incorporates the true cost of carbon fuel extraction and consumption.
- We call upon G7 leaders to finally start acting together in order to make good on the G20 pledge from 2009 that agreed to phase out fossil subsidies.
- Lastly we call upon G7 leaders to acknowledge the carbon bubble risk inherent in fossil fuel investments, and to move forward in support of the global carbon divestment movement.
Greens will mobilize internationally and coordinate with multiple allies in order to push the realisation of the above-mentioned goals.
The COP21 in Paris can help change our trajectory towards a low carbon transition of our economy, combining fair development with global climate responsibilities.
Natalie Bennett, Green Party of England and Wales
Reinhard Bütikofer, European Green Party
Emmanuelle Cosse, Europe Écologie Les Verts
Heiwa Hasegawa, Green Party of Japan
Elizabeth May, Green Party of Canada
Darryl L.C. Moch, Green Party of the United States
Simone Peter, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
Luana Zanella, Federazione dei Verdi

Photo CC by huevocosmico (Pixabay)